Equipment > Hearing Booths

Hearing Booths

Acoustic Booths are designed for high performance noise reduction, perfect for audiometric testing. Select from our range of Portable Mini-booths through to large custom designed hearing booths available to suit your audiometric consulting needs.

Sales of our sound booths are available Australia wide. Our expertise includes installation of audiometric equipment in Perth and WA rural areas, and in Darwin and remote NT communities.

Custom Booths

Our custom designed booths provide the ultimate environment for patients and staff to complete patient testing. The modular construction allows us to design each booth to meet your required specifications and custom build to fit any room....

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Mini Booths

Our Audiometric Mini Booth has a range of features making it easy to install and use within your existing facility.

The hearing booth door opens back behind the frame allowing movement through standard 820mm doorways. Heavy duty wheels...

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